Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pru Goward's oppose Same Sex Marriage

Prue Goward wrote a piece for the ABC The Drum opposing same sex marriage.  I commetted.  the commet was a little angry so it might not get published.  Here is what I sent -

Prue Goward is spruiking the usual load of Liberal Party crap on same sex marriage. She argues that marriage has been a between a man and woman across all religions and cultures. Across all religions and cultures, women have been oppressed – should we get rid of the Sex Discrimination Act? Or exclude women from the vote or parliament? I hope not!
Ok, return the control of marriage to the Churches. Once they have denominational authority, about a quarter of Christian congregations would celebrate the marriage of same sex couples in exactly the same way that they celebrate heterosexual couples. The theology that excluded same sex couples has been rejected in the same way that the theological justification of slavery and women’s inferior position has been jettisoned. As the old hymn said, “There is more light to break forth from your word”.
Our current dilemma started with the Howard Liberal Government amendment to the Marriage Act which excluded gay and lesbian couples. Amendments supported by the spineless ALP. The Howard Liberals feared a high court appeal but a well resourced gay or lesbian couple.
Yet we live in a society that has chosen to permit all religious and philosophical views to live side by side. The exclusion same sex couple from the legal protections marriage bring tears at the fabric of society that has chosen to not to have a state ideology. Restoration to the fabric of Australia requires the Liberal Party to stop promoting homophobia and the ALP to find its spine again.

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